
“This is a terrific text: witty, engagingly written, with strong focus on inquiry and reaching reasoned judgments on complex issues. Emphasizes the dialectical dimension of CT, the importance of context, and the spirit of inquiry. Focuses on realistic examples of actual inquiry on questions that matter (e.g., is it OK to eat meat?; pit bull legislation; capital punishment) and that are complex and detailed but fast-moving and very well presented. Emphasizes comparative evaluation of arguments to conflicting conclusions and tight interconnection of critical and creative thinking. Offers a neat way of assigning strength/weakness measures to arguments. All in all an innovative and effective text. Highly recommended!” (Harvey Siegel, University of Miami)

OSSA  2011, by Patrick Clauss 
Libri ad nauseam: The critical thinking textbook glut by Ben Hamby, [Paideusis version]  Reviews many textbooks but argues that Reason in the Balance represents the current state of the art

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